Please find a description of how to delete My Real Videos, created workouts, map courses and history data on the various My E-Training sections.
Regardless of what you wish to delete, there are generally two ways to go about it:
1) On devices like PCs or MACs a trashcan icon or the "three dots" icon appears - when selected, it will delete said object from the list.
2) On Android or iOS mobile devices, with no trashcan icon, just slide (quickly slide your finger on the screen) from right to left over the object you wish to delete.
PC or MAC devices
Real Video o My Real Video:
Once the My E-Training software starts up, tap on “Real Video” o “My Real Video” depending on the type of video you wish to delete.
On the "Workouts ready" section you can find the courses downloaded on the device, tap on the trashcan icon to delete:
Once they've been deleted, the video courses only show up in the "History" and you'll be able to download them again.
History cannot be emptied.
Created programs:
Once the My E-Training software starts up, tap on "Programs"
Tap on "View All" and the "Created Programs" section to see all the available workouts.
Regardless of the type of workout, just tap on the three dots icon on the top right corner to delete whatever you want.
Follow the same procedure (tap the three dots icon on the top right corner) to delete folders containing custom programs.
Map Courses and History:
Once the My E-Training software starts up, tap on "Map Courses" to access all generated map races.
Then tap on the trashcan icon to delete what you wish to delete.
To delete one or more programs in the profile "History", tap on "View All" in the "Created Programs" that appears once the My E-Training software starts up.
Tap on the three dots icon to delete what you wish to delete.
Android and iOS devices
Real Video o My Real Video:
Once the My E-Training software starts up, tap on “Video” and select the "Real Video" or “My Real Video” section (depending on the type of video you wish to delete).
Then select the "Ready" section where all video races are downloaded on the device and tap on the trashcan icon to delete what you wish to delete:
Once deleted, video races are found only in the "History" section where you'll be able to re-download them.
History cannot be emptied.
Created Workouts:
Once the My E-Training software starts up, tap on "Trainings"
Tap on "Program Mode" to access the type of workout (for instance, Power/Time) containing what you wish to delete.
Regardless of the type of workout, just tap on the three dots icon to delete what you wish to delete:
Map Courses and History
Once the My E-Training software starts up, tap on "Map Courses"
Swipe left to delete what you wish to delete.
To delete one or more workouts in the profile "History", tap on "History" appearing once you start up the My E-Training app.
Swipe from right to left to delete what you wish to delete.