myE-Training only allows you to import Maps Courses in the .kml format – with the app you can then recreate the feel of pedaling on the road on your home trainer (note: non-interactive home trainers do not feature automatic resistance adjustment as a function of course gradient).
Based on the OS being used (smartphone / tablet terminal / PC) there are 3 different ways you can upload the .kml file, as follows:
Again, you can only import .kml files on myE-Training, should the file be formatted differently (for instance, .tcx or .gpx) you'll have to convert the file to .kml with software converters that can easily be found online.
Here's a link to one:
Windows - MacOs
After saving the file on PC/MAC (convert it first if necessary):
Start up myE-Training and select Map races from the Menu:
Select Create Map:
Select Path Import (KML):
Select the file you want to create from the directory where the file is stored
Insert the required data and select "Create":
In a few moments the map will be visible in the training Maps List and ready for use.
Andorid - iOS
Load up the .kml file (convert it first if necessary) on the device to be used following one of these procedures when using an Android or iOS device
When using an Android device:
Save the file on the smartphone / tablet terminal storage memory
Access the smartphone / tablet terminal storage memory
Select it and share on the device's Google Drive account
When using an iOS device:
Load up the file on your iPhone / iPad via iTunes
The procedure is detailed at the following link:
Once it's done...
Select myE-Training
Select Maps Courses
Select the "+" key in the upper right corner
Select Import Map
Select the file from the list
The map will then be available for use from the list.