Please click on the following link to redeem the free coupons that are connected to a specific home trainer:
The following data is required to complete the redeem procedure:
- Elite ID (username / password)*
- Home trainer serial number (how to find the serial number)
*You can use a pre-existing EliteID with other active subscriptions or create a new one following the procedure.
Click on Redeem Coupon to begin the procedure.
There are two options:
- Create a new account
- Enter email and password of an existing account
Enter email and password and click on "Access" if you know the EliteID login credentials.
Cilck on "Forgot your password?" in case you do not remember it.
Please create a new ELITE ID if you do not have one already.
The account to be created is the same to be used with My E-Training. You can setup multiple home trainers on the same account even if you already have a pre-existing active subscription.
Additional subscriptions always extend the existing ones, adding months to the ones you already have.
Click on "Create a new account" to create a new one.
Fill in all the required fields and check the privacy and terms and conditions boxes.
The site will notify you with a message if the email you're entering has already been used and will suggest using the "Forgot your password?" option to reset the old password.
An automated email will be sent with the new password you'll be using.
Once you click "Create a new account", you will receive an automated email to your account address which includes a link that you need to click to successfully activate the account.
You won't be able to proceed with the registration if you don't click on the link.
If you haven't already, you will receive a warning message that invites you to click on the link on your next visit:
You'll have to enter the universal serial number indicated in the home trainer in the second phase of the procedure (How to find the trainer serial number).
Not all home trainers can access this procedure; the website automatically rejects those that are not enabled.
The universal serial can be composed of 9 digits (3 alphabetic values and 6 numbers) or 13 digits (3 alphabetic values, 6 numbers and 4 alphanumeric values).
i.e.: TTL000000 or TTL000000Z0Z0
In order to make sure that the home trainer can access this advertisement promotion make sure that the packaging features this purple-colored coupon FREE TRIAL or the new white-colored free coupon codes coupon:
Once you enter your serial number, please confirm by clicking on the "Join" button.
The following message will confirm that the procedure has been successfully completed.
You’ll be asked to log in to the app in order to activate the subscription and receive any third party applications codes.
The activation email contains some important info:
- ELITE ID data used for activation
- My E-Training subscription months
- Chart ( optional ) with one or more coupons for third-party software (any third-party software codes may change depending on the home trainer model you have purchased and time of activation)
If the serial number has been incorrectly entered or the home trainer can't access this advertisement promotion, an error message will pop up
You'll be able to select the language any time. At the moment, English and Italian are supported.
When the user is logged in you can see the name and registration of the ID Code (email)
You can log out by clicking on the user icon.